- Mixed: 140 confirmed (176 worked)
- CW: 89 (135) -- Marching along to CW DXCC, adding 16 new countries worked (total 135) worked and 16 confirmed (total 89) since the beginning of the month.
- Phone: 101 (130) -- DXCC Phone reached! Just need to get some cards checked by the ARRL to make it official.
- Digital: 58 (82) -- No change. Can barely bring myself to work digital these days. Will try to bring myself to work NAQP RTTY in February...
WAS -- Guess I'll start counting some single-band WAS numbers now, since I'm almost there on a couple of bands. Only counting LOTW for WAS.
- CW: 42 confirmed (45 worked) -- Between NAQP CW and the W1AW/n Centennial special event stations I managed to add CO, MN, NE, NM, RI and SD. Still need GA, IA, KY, MI, ND, OH, WV and WY confirmed on LOTW,
- Phone: 47 (49) -- Picked up AK, DE and VT in the NAQP contest. IA, MI and RI still needed on LOTW. (Delaware was my first ever (and to date only) 12m QSO, with W1AW/3 on phone. Quickly verified on LOTW allowing me to cross DE off my Triple Play list!)
- 40m: 49 (50) -- I have all except RI confirmed on LOTW. I do have a card from RI, though, so if I can't find someone who uses LOTW I may cash it in for credit.
- 20m: 48 (50) -- MS and OK still holding out on me.
- 15m: 37 (40) -- Thirteen to go (CO, DE, IA, KS, LA, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, RI and WY)
- Mixed: 355 confirmed (400 needed)
- CW: 199 (300)
- Phone: 144 (300)
- Digital: 126 (300)