WPX CW: I really planned to make a good effort in the WPX CW test. Honest. But come Friday evening, I was so dog tired that I decided to just poke around a bit and search for new ones. Only 70 QSOs for me scattered here and there throughout the weekend. I scored two all-time new ones (4X4 and 9G5ZZ) and probably a bunch of new grid spots, but I didn't keep track.
4X4AK: Oddly, in 27 years I have never worked Israel! For years I thought I had done so because I had a QSL card, but it wasn't until a few years ago when I started counting for DXCC that I realized it was really for an Israeli op operating from the Democratic Republic of Congo! Propagation from Texas to the mid-east doesn't seem to ever be favorable for me so I was surprised to hear
9G5ZZ: Arno, DL1CW, operating from Ghana. Been watching for him on the DX Cluster for a while. Finally got him on 20m. Listened for him on other bands after the contest, no luck. No LOTW according to his QRZ page, but the QSO was matched on ClubLog. Not sure whether Arno will use OQRS, though.
Weekend of March 29th and 30th
March is just about over! Where does the time go? Anyway, here's what's
going on this weekend (and into next week):
*Sasquatch Stomp* - htt...
21 hours ago