The time is near for some major station upgrades - not the least of which is a return to the original Closter QTH and it's vast antenna farm.* It's been about 10 years since I've acquired an new HF transceiver, so I've decided it's time for a modern DSP radio to complement the JST-245. The leading contenders are the Yaesu FT-2000 and Icom IC-756PROIII. I love the look of both of them, and they appear to be closely matched in performance based on reviews in QST and elsewhere. I asked KB2YAN which one I should buy; he said, "Which one has more buttons? Always buy the one with the most buttons." I guess it's going to be the Yaesu.
So now that I'm back on the radio bandwagon, I'm thinking about goals. Foremost of these is DXCC. I've already worked well over 100 countries, although the cards are somewhat lacking to make it official. Now it's my goal to do it again, starting from scratch.
* Not really.
This is so freaking stupid ........I can't stand it!
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10 hours ago